International AIDS Society

Abstract Mentor Programme (AMP)


The goal of the AIDS 2014 Abstract Mentor Programme is to provide an opportunity for young and/or less experienced abstract submitters to ask for feedback from experienced abstract submitters. The programme is especially targeted at researchers from resource-limited settings who lack access to opportunities for rigorous mentoring in research and writing, for whom online distance education is proven to cost-effectively build research capacity. 

The programme is completely independent of the abstract review and selection process and is entirely dependent on volunteer experienced researchers acting as mentors. 

Mentors answer questions on practical issues, such as formal requirements of abstract writing and on the quality of the data collected. 

For AIDS 2012 nearly a quarter of mentored abstracts submitted were accepted. Nearly 90% of abstract submitters told us they found the programme useful. 

The 20th International AIDS Conference organizers have provided a capacity building Webinar Series which can help you prepare your abstract submission. The series includes the following two webinars covering abstract writing skills. All recordings and materials of these webinars are available for download:

Submitting a successful abstract
(scientific research) 
  12 November 2013
4pm - UTC
Submitting a successful abstract
(programme-based research)
  14 November 2013 
7am – UTC

Becoming an Abstract Mentor

Mentor registration for the AIDS 2014 Abstract Mentor Programme (AMP) has closed. You can register your interest to participate in the next round of the AMP, for the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015), on 19-22 July 2015, by sending an email stating your full name and email address to: .

The continued success of the Abstract Mentor Programme rests on the invaluable contributions of our dedicated team of volunteer mentors, who generously share their expertise and experience in abstract writing. 

To become a mentor, you need to be able to demonstrate that you have had at least two abstracts accepted at international scientific conferences, and have co-authored at least one manuscript accepted by a peer-reviewed scientific journal. If you meet these criteria, we would love to hear from you.

Key Dates

18 November 2013
Abstract Mentor Programme Opens

22 January 2014
Abstract Mentor Programme Closes

Documents for download


Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page for more information on the Abstract Mentor Programme.

Contact Details
Abstract Mentor Programme
